Monday, June 3, 2013

The Third Trimester

I am now officially 28 weeks, seven months pregnant, in my third and final trimester. With how troublesome things were in the beginning of this pregnancy I felt hitting this mark would take forever. But now that it's actually here I kind of want it to slow down again, just for different reasons than when I wanted the time to hurry by before. Partly because I just recently started feeling really good - the kind of good that I remember experiencing when I was pregnant with Mallory. Too bad it took so dang long for that feeling to come this go around.

Another reason that I want time to slow down again is because I'm a little anxious to be starting all over and I know that transitioning from one kid to two is going to take some adjusting. Those readers that have been around for a while know that Mallory was not an easy baby for us; and even though I know I survived her and feel like I could survive anything now, it's still going to be difficult at times. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally excited to meet baby Nolan and experience a little boy and see Mallory become the loving big sister that she already has shown, I'm just not in a hurry for his arrival like I was with monster. He can totally take his time in my belly and I promise not to get frustrated when I hit 40 weeks and he's still in there. I'm not sure how the whole scheduling of my c-section will work yet; at my next doctor's appointment we talk about it. But you better believe I'll be an advocate for not scheduling his arrival any sooner than necessary.

Nolan is moving and grooving with more strength; he loves to stretch out I think as there are times when I can totally feel his little body parts swoosh by, especially if I have my hands on my bare belly. I had an occasion the other day where I felt the outline of his foot against my hand and it was sorta scary - not like bad scary, just surreal scary. But I still love this part about pregnancy the most, this ability to literally feel your baby moving around in your belly. It's just so awesome to me. I received a "kick card" at my doctor's appointment last week to start tracking his movements and there's no doubt that he's not moving enough. I always count 10 movements within 10 minutes right now, and sometimes even in only five minutes. Though I know he'll start slowing down once he gets bigger and runs out of room in there.

We had our maternity pictures taken by my lovely and talented friend Katie (Platinum Photography) a little over a week ago and I am so excited to see how they turned out. I keep looking on Facebook for little teaser pictures, should be soon. Taking weekly bump pictures myself is fun and gives an idea of where I'm at, but the pros sure know how to capture the family moments that are hard to catch on your own. Besides, our little family had fun waltzing through old town Folsom before the weather got too hot, stopping for a yummy ice cream cone at Snooks to use as a prop that of course Mallory was all about devouring.

1 comment:

  1. Great attitude and you are a beautiful person inside and out! xo
