Friday, June 7, 2013

Beach Shorts

Mamaw came for a quick overnight visit last week, and like always came baring wonderful and very much appreciated clothes for Mallory's wardrobe. Mamaw loves to spoil monster with clothes - and I love it too! Even Nolan gets something small now, lucky boy already.

One of the outfits that Mamaw brought for Mallory is this cute little getup: coral ruffles and neon heart-shaped sunglasses. How 80's and I'm totally okay with it. Brings me back to when I loved neon and bright colors as a kid - oh wait, I still do. When Mallory saw the shorts she said that they were "shorts for the beach" and then proceeded to ask if we were going to the beach. I wish little girl. How much cooler would summer be if a nice, sandy beach were close by.

Makes me wish we were in Hawaii day soon we'll go back and it will make me smile like I always remember Hawaii making me smile. Which then reminds me that I still have yet to finish posting about our trip to Maui last November. I need to get on that.

1 comment:

  1. Your family is very blessed! I need Mamwa to come help Nama find clothes for the summer. I am not a shopper and it shows. Miss Mallory always looks so nice and clean and happy! Good job mama! xo
