Sunday, October 20, 2013

Nolan: Two Months

Little man is growing right along and is a whopping two months old now. For me, because my days are spent trying to keep this needy fella satisfied - which means holding him ALL OF THE TIME - I am totally fine with him getting older and this part of the infant stage going by quickly. Love him to death but I still look forward to him getting to the age when he's a little more independent. Happened around the time Mallory learned how to sit up so let's see if he follows suit.

I am also looking forward to getting more sleep. I sorta forgot how hard it is to function normally - both physically and mentally - when you're sleep deprived. Yes, Nolan's night stretches are slowly getting longer but only that first one; the one when I put him down for bed after bath time. But that doesn't mean I get to go to bed too. We've managed to move Mallory's bed time earlier though which helps me to attempt to be in bed around 9:30-10pm. His daytime naps are still random but I'm trying to get him more sleep trained because I prefer hour(s) long naps as opposed to 30 minute cat-naps. I've also recently introduced him to taking his afternoon nap in his crib and so far so good. I'll wait a little longer to do so at night though; the Rock 'n Play Sleeper seems to do the job for the moment.

My favorite more recent happening is his adorable, playful, and at times flirtatious smile. Makes anyone's heart melt. And when he shows off his sideways smile it makes me laugh. You can really get him smiling by tickling his sides too. He's become more vocal, talking and cooing his thoughts out loud. Throw in his ever-changing facial expressions and this little man is quite the entertainer. He's also got some pretty good physical strength; holds his head up, will stand for a while, and can roll over especially when he's getting his tummy time in. Over achiever if you ask me.

He is simply smitten with his big sis. As soon as he hears her or senses her around him, he becomes intent on finding her. And then he'll just stare with his big ol' brown eyes. Learning her troublesome ways I'm sure; I can only imagine some of the things these two will get into. He also loves to watch monster and daddy wrestle. He'll be in the mix with them in no time, having a blast and getting lots of bruises. Oh the fun things we all have to look forward to.

1 comment:

  1. Such a handsome guy Nolan! He is changing so much and I love his new personality traits. That smile is worth everything, huh? Love this pic of him and Mallory best. XOXO
