Monday, May 9, 2011

Happiness Is...

...being this beautiful, little girl's mom.

I am very blessed to have her and to get to experience what being a mom is all about. Although I agree that Mother's Day has become overly commercialized, I think it's nice that we have a day dedicated to spoiling moms with love.

My first Mother's Day was perfect. After listening to our pastor talk about taking a day to truly relax and enjoy God's creation (i.e. your family) once a week for the Sabbath, we came home and literally relaxed. While Mallory took a two and a half hour nap (longest nap ever), Jody and I just vegged out. It was FANTASTIC. I can't remember the last time I felt so relaxed. Not just my body, but my mind too. It's so easy to get swept up in the hustle and bustle of life and work and things. It was so nice to have some down time. After Sleeping Beauty woke up we took a family trip to Costco, taking our time there too. It's fun to watch Mallory be so inquisitive about her surroundings, especially in busy places like Costco. The rest of my Mother's Day was spent just hanging out and playing with Mallory. I received flowers, a card, and another month's membership to continue basic training. Jody attempted to get Mallory's hand print in plaster but wasn't able to keep her still long enough for the mold to set. I love my husband for making my first Mother's Day truly enjoyable and one that I will forever cherish.


  1. Great pictures as usual. We're glad you had a great first Mother's Day.

  2. Made me smile to hear about your super relaxing first Mom's deserve it Jackie, and bless Jody for being such a great husband and Dad. Even Mallory let you relax, isn't she the sweetest? I love you Jenkins family, you are heart-warming...Love Mom & Tom

  3. P.S..Forgot to mention HAPPY 7 MONTHS OLD MALLORY!!
    Love Mamaw
