Thursday, May 5, 2011

So Much Personality

Miss Mallory is becoming more and more curious lately. It's really cute to see her stretch herself to a weird position on your lap or lunge forward in her chair to see something. Sometimes, she raises her eyebrows when she looks at you and you can't help but laugh out loud because it shows so much personality for such a little person. I love this little girl so much.

She is in love with standing lately and I had her propped up on the couch so she could use the back of it to stand on her own. We won't be surprised if this girl decides to skip crawling and go straight to walking. I'm in no hurry for her to get to that milestone though! So as she was standing there on the couch watching Sesame Street, she stumbled across the crack in-between the cushions and seemed to just be so fascinated with it. I had fun watching her explore.


  1. Oh, she is so adorable! Can you send her to Colorado for a while to stay with Grandpa & Grandma??? Please??? We would love to have her! Oh, and you and Jody too!!

  2. Papa and I where saying those very words driving home! We bet Burbles go's straight for walk'n and doesn't crawl! She is her mother's daughter! xo

  3. Sweetest little "busy bumble bee" I know! What a beautiful world she makes for all of us...Love, Mamaw & Papa Tom
