Friday, May 27, 2011

The Month of May

Where did it go? And by 'it' I'm referring to the month of May. May has always been a busy month; not just for me personally, but a lot of people I know. Maybe it's because it's the month that the weather starts to become more enjoyable outside - well usually it is. For me, it's usually sprinkled with different activities of things to do and places to go. And then of course days filled with extra love with Mother's Day, my birthday, and our anniversary. Topped off with a nice Memorial Day to escape work for an extra day. How could I not love the month of May! Though, this particular month of May seemed a little bit busier than normal and because of it, I walk by this reminder:

Really, April? Hmmm. My OCD for trying to keep things as organized as possible takes a hit when I see that calendar. It laughs at me every time I walk by, I swear. But I'm not mad because that's just life now - though I will be changing it in June. My lack of posts these past couple of weeks is a testament to how crazy these past couple of weeks have been. Some good days, but most just stressful. But hey, life isn't always rainbows and puppy dogs. But I am blaming it on work. Stupid work. Let's just say there's been some 'reorganization' going on and it has totally put a damper on things for me, as I was taken away from the coolest boss I've ever had in my life and thrown onto another team out of nowhere. Politics.

However, the week of stress is over and I'm a happy camper right now. I had a great workout at basic training, I get to hang out with my mom tomorrow and go shopping for me this time, the husband and I are going on a date tomorrow night, I'm going to post the pictures from Mallory's six month photo shoot, family dinner on Sunday. Life is good and full of blessings! Here's a sneak peek at one of the many favorites I have from the photo shoot:

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhhh, I would love one of those!!!!!! :) Great attitude my girl! Beautiful family, home and lots of love!!!!! :) Looking forward to July! Love you 3! Nama
