Monday, March 25, 2013

18 Week Update

Even though this isn't my first pregnancy I'm still surprised at how different the experience is this time around. Finding out that I'm carrying a little boy gives me more validation of why, but in talking with others I'm sure that even if we were having another girl it would still be different. The biggest difference for me is the morning sickness. Not only was it way more intense but it still hasn't completely gone away for me yet. With Mallory it literally stopped around 14 weeks - here I am at 18 weeks and I still have moments where I'm hovered over the sink or running to the bathroom. Fortunately it's not everyday (like it used to be) and it doesn't seem to last all day (most times), but I still hate it none the less. Thank goodness for Zofran; it's been my saving grace through all of this.

I do feel that the growth of my belly has slowed down a bit. Or maybe I'm just starting to get more used to the fact that it's big. But I haven't gained any weight since my last doctor's appointment so that always makes a girl feel better about herself. However, I love my pregnant belly so the weight isn't a concern for me - at least not until after baby Nolan is born. So I'm being mindful about what I eat and I make sure that I get some sort of exercise in. Now if only these sweet-tooth cravings would subside it would make things a whole lot easier!

18 weeks

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