Friday, April 26, 2013

A Lively Friday

Nama came over this morning for some one-on-one time with Mallory while this momma got some time to focus on herself for a bit. I'm not gonna lie, I cherish 'alone time' more than ever before. Being at home with monster is a lot of fun, but man am I exhausted at the end of each day on a whole new level. I now totally understand the saying, "Silence is golden."

So while Mallory was being spoiled with extra love from Nama, I met up with a friend to try out a new workout; barre class at The Dailey Method. Leave it to me to try a new workout for the first time when I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant. And barre class is seriously no freakin' joke man, it was crazy hard! My muscles were being challenged so much that I was shaking like a leaf with every new position. Running and kickboxing are great workouts for me, but this barre class was a whole other level of difficulty. I really enjoyed it and I will continue to try and get better at it so I don't feel like the biggest rookie in the class.

Mallory has been fighting her nap time lately to the point where sometimes she sleeps for only 30 minutes, or even worse, not at all. Today was one of those 'not at all' days, and while it usually means that we'll be witnessing multiple meltdowns throughout the evening, she held herself together pretty well tonight. The only real attitude I received was right before bath time. I'm so not ready for her to be done with naps yet. And not just because I still really think she needs them, but also because I like that two hour break so I can use it to catch up on things. I was hoping that I could at least squeeze naps out of her until she was three years old, or until Nolan is born. Because then there's no such thing as quiet time for awhile anyway. I'm still gonna keep trying each day to put her down - bribery of some sort maybe...!

1 comment:

  1. Keep trying those naps, shouldn't be till about almost 4 she stops altogether! (Do ya think we are wrong and she is 4?!)Maybe those fruit loops are pumping her up?! Have fun at the class but be careful says Mom...Love you girls.
