Friday, September 6, 2013

Sharing Sky Zone

We introduced some friends who just moved to Folsom from the Bay area to the awesomeness that is Sky Zone. I dislike that it's such a far drive from our house but it is so worth it. Six bucks for an hour of jumping around like crazy getting a toddler worn out, you just can't beat it. Mallory and Brynn had so much fun and even befriended the guy who worked there, following him around and flirting like it was no big deal. Not even three years old yet and already boy-crazy, geesh. Baby Nolan must not have gotten the memo on how cool this place is because he pretty much slept the entire time we were there. He'll understand one day because I know that we'll continue to frequent Sky Zone.

1 comment:

  1. Mallory is in kid heaven...and brother Nolan is Mr. Chill. What a contrast they are! Love your colors Mallory! XOXO
