Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Testing Things Out

Three weeks postpartum yesterday and I've been feeling pretty good. With the exception of the tape that is starting to fall off my incision, sometimes I forget that I had a c-section just a few short weeks ago. Though every now and then Mallory will accidentally push on my tummy and it quickly reminds me that the area is still sore. On my daily walk with the monsters yesterday I decided to try out running to see how I felt. Result: not bad. The hardest part was pushing the double stroller with both kids in tow; that thing is a workout even without the running part. I took it slow and even stopped a couple of times to walk, especially up the steeper hills. Afterwards we headed for the park so Mallory could test out her new soccer ball that she got the other day. She picked it out so of course it's bright pink. I signed her up for a soccer class that starts next month and she is super excited - even though she probably has no idea what it even means to play soccer. But as we were out on the grass playing around she definitely had her game face on; now she just needs to learn that picking up the ball and throwing it in the goal isn't the proper way to play.

1 comment:

  1. Look at that beautiful form preparing for the kick...go Mallory for the power throw too...Love you baby girl!
