Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Stoller Predicament & Two Weeks

I'm currently on the hunt for a double stroller - preferably another BOB brand as I absolutely love the single that I have. I don't seem to be having much luck using our local Craigslist; either my reply emails to the ads aren't making it to the seller or the seller just decides to never respond back to me. If more ads would actually list a phone number as opposed to a generic reply email address, I think I would have more luck. And yes I understand the hesitation with listing your phone number online, but good grief it's not helping my case. All I know is that I keep hitting my refresh button on the computer multiple times a day just hoping I can see the listing as soon as it's posted and be the first one to contact a seller. For some reason I thought I could wait until after Nolan was born to worry about looking for a double stroller and now I'm regretting that decision; these strollers seem to be in high demand.

Yesterday morning - in between the unexpected-yet-welcoming rain showers - I went for a power walk. My only dilemma - besides trying to figure out when the rain was going to stop long enough to go - was how to walk with both kids because I only have a single stroller at the moment. Luckily Jody was off of work for the holiday so it made only taking one kid with me easier, but man was Mallory disappointed when she realized that she wasn't the one coming with me. So I promised her that I would make it my mission to find us a double stroller so both her and Nolan could start coming with me. Especially for when I start running again, which will likely be soon considering I'm feeling really good and recovering nicely.

In other news, baby Nolan is two weeks old today. Went by super quick. I remember not feeling like the beginning of Mallory's life went by quick at all, but that was because she was just a hard baby. Nolan has his moments of being fussy and wanting to be held too much but it's nothing in comparison. Plus I'm more used to what comes with having a newborn so my patience and tolerance is now much better. So far I'd have to argue that getting used to one kid was way more difficult than getting used to having two. My biggest issue thus far is just figuring out how not to be even more late than I used to be before - and never in my life did I think I'd be the person who would justify being tardy. But hey, it's only been two weeks since becoming a mom of two so I still have lots to learn. Besides, having a newborn is the best excuse to be delayed because I still find myself just wanting to sit and stare at my little man.

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